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Mold Allergy

A medical condition in which someone is allergic to mold and this allergy affects their brain and therefore hinders their ability to think clearly. If this allergy is detected and cleared up, however, the true intellect of said person will be revealed.

"I'm actually a child prodigy. I've just had a mold allergy which made it hard to think. But now I'm taking med school classes at the age of 17. I'm fucking smarter than all of you."

by LiveXAndXLearn January 19, 2012

wolly mold

descriptive phrase to imply a reclusive existence or someone who has been in there own little bubble too long

i.e looks like you been in your wolly mold to long, about time you stepped out your wolly mold me old china and meet the real world.

by Terrance Wellington March 10, 2011

Molded up

When you are nasty and need to shower because it's been a few days!

She's all molded up with stank!

by O.Deenasty February 13, 2017

red mold

When a pink wall is covered with red mold.

The pink wall is covered with red mold.

by Debskelly1985 May 9, 2023

Molded cum shot

A molded cum shot is when a man sticks his penis into hot wax, balls and all. He then cums into the mold and the finisher slurps it down.

Dude I gave your mom the best molded cum shot last night, here's a video of it ....

by Cumlord420209 January 2, 2022

Off The Mold

You don’t care. You are on whateverer.

Dude last night was so crazy. We were off the mold.

by CatfishBilly11 November 3, 2017

Mold Drinker

A Mold Drinker is someone that blends moldy bread into water and drinks it.

Tom: "Are you a Mold Drinker?"

John: "Shut the fuck up Tom you're high"

by Minecraft Player December 21, 2021