a scientific term for the best joke in the world.
Harvard studies have researched this topic for years and found that this is in fact the best combination of English syllables
people often mistake it for a bad joke Your mom, but the height of comedy in The my mom joke is much higher.
Do you know who else is funny, MY MOM
What is the best joke?
well the best joke is in fact, my mom -real scientist
it’s my dad who always wants to smash my mom
Fizzy: no.
yellow cannot smash my mom but he might smash yours
that’s Yellow Smashing My Mom
A kind word yes I mean it you found a kind word here!
A word to describe that you love your mom
Me: I love my mom
That one guy who has F- in every class: IMAGINE BEING A MOMMAS BOY LOL
Me again: stfu I can love my mother not like you love her
Meaning In New York on my moms = I’m not lying
On my moms I seen her yesterday.
(Talking to the UD Jews)
She has smoked for most of her life. I don’t know if there is anything out there that can ward off cancer or even cure it or something. I’d still like my mom to be around and live a long life. But I think cigarette smoking is ruining her health...
She is trying to get off cigarette smoking but I am worried if it is too late...
My mom probably doesn’t have long to live
Dude: yo wassup my moms in a gang
Me: oh shit we’ll follow @mymomsinagang on twitch 😂