When somebody on that bullshit.
When someone is too scary to make moves on the one they crushing on or when someone is talking to someone and they're too shy to take initiative.
When someone just ain't feeling the day they having, and so they halfass everything around them.
yo ass on that nanny wood
- This word is to describe the person who usually takes the responsibility in a group project . Especially in the college. When there are so many people don’t work in a team, they become babies. They need credit nanny to help them pass the course.
You’re totally their credit nanny. They’re so irresponsible.
The purest form of a used Vagina, one that has been pampered and treated to the finest silk undies and never been photographed in the wild. These belong to Princesses, fairies and anything from the Underworld.
Dal exclaims; Hey Babe, your Vu-nanny is looking perfect again.
Babe replies; thanks Bubs, Check out my durgo too
When a woman is fisted by someone with a wooden shoe on their hand
“Things got a little crazy last night, and after some absinthe she let me slip her the Dutch Nanny…”
Nanny pat is such a gem she’s so fab. RIP
Mark wright: having you spoke to Nanny Pat recently Jess?
Jess: yes I have
Nanny pat is such a gem she’s so fab. RIP
Mark wright: having you spoke to Nanny Pat recently Jess?
Jess: yes I have
One of my favorite movies, with Vanessa Marcil, who was an actress on the ABC show "General Hospital".
In the movie "The Nanny Express" , Vanessa Marcil wears glasses.