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swagg bacon nuggs

A ps3 live name for idiots and just plain wierdos who think there cool but actually dumb.most of the time they are skaters and when they're online they act like their badasses but they are not. They are weird gays who sleep with gay guys and eat pig testicles,henceforth that where swagg bacon nuggs come from. Swagg means sleeping with gay guys and bacon nuggs are pig testicles.

Bobby is such a swagg bacon nugg.

Evritt's name online was swagg bacon nuggs.

by James1015262672726 November 10, 2012

Farken darken nuggs

A way to dramatically convey an idea or point

Well that’s a Farken darken nuggs of an idea!

by Razberries February 4, 2021

What the nuggs

Alternative for: what in the world, what the heck, what the hell, ect.

Quoted by Holly Brooks

"What the nuggs was that for?"

by Locococo February 4, 2016