Source Code

Online STD

The sacrifice you make in the moment to stream a show while your computer is without anti-virus. Resulting in a shit-ton of malware and pop ups about dating Russian women and horse betting.

"Man I was streaming 'Brooklyn 99' yesterday even though my virus protection was down, and now I think I gave my computer an Online STD "
"Ugh thats shit man, have you taken it to the gyno"

by NotAllHeroesWearCapes October 8, 2016

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Terminally Online

A term for people who spend too much time on the internet used only by people who spend too much time on the internet.

Jeff: "Nick is one of those 'terminally online' 32-year-old stunted ex-teenagers who exists only for neo-con memes and MRA forums."
Ronald: "Jeff, what the hell are you talking about?"

by burnertoast May 8, 2022

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Knight Online

Commonly known as KO, results in mental retardedness, supioriorly pissed off mood swings, a burning desire to kill the Turkish nation.

May Quit school
May have no life/friends
May never leave home
May kill yourself
...May kill your parents for touching internet switch ^_^ (I did, best move I ever made!)

Man I fucking hate Knight Online and them Turkish bastards but I feel I must play and regain my lvl 80 character which was stolen by several Turks, 3 times over!

by DannyTheMan April 16, 2007

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Online School

Online school, Also known as a method of torture, You will get tipped 10 homework and also 20 assignments, it's boring as fuck, non-interaction, You can't be distracted easily, there's no fresh air, causes back pain, dry eyes, lack of understanding, crapy explanation, It's fucked up. And that shit gives a lot of people terrible things like, anxiety, feeling like a failure, depression, stress, etc. The idea of the online school is just a failure, it's even worse than the regular normal school system. it's unhealthy, it's just shit. simply, it's fucking terrible. a lot of people want to drop out of online school and go to In personal school. and I am one of those people who are suffering currently right now.

You: Dude I'm fucking exhausted from this shitty online school
Your homie: The same thing for me man, It's like fucking hell,

by Your average guy February 26, 2021

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Knight Online

A MMORPG that lets you play in two different nations.

There is El Morad, which is Human, and Karus, which consists of Orcs.

There is also a Barbarian 'nation', you can only make a Warrior if you are a Barbarian.

This game is usually crowded with idiotic Turks, 98% of which cannot speak English properly and uses KoXP, a hacking program used to level up faster in the game.

This game is also filled with idiots that want to ruin the game for others, like luring high-leveled monsters into towns, killing everyone that is trying to stay AFK, selling their items to other players.

Overall, this game can be fun and addicting, but the huge amount of hackers and Turks running around in the game can be frustrating.

Knight Online is a good game, but has been overrun by idiotic Turks.

by krazykushluk August 19, 2006

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online spooning

being in constant contact with one person using 3 or more simultaneous IM applications ... especially if IM applications can do both video and audio.

Troels had AIM, Skype and Yahoo Messenger open ... totally online spooning with his homies.

by skamuf January 19, 2010

Online Dater

When You Play ROBLOX (Raise A Baby) And Meet This Cute Looking Girl, Then Suddenly Your Dick Appears In Your Hands.

(Jack) "Do You See That Expensive Bitch Over There?" (Jill) "Yep, She's Definitely An Online Dater."

by Fuck n' Suck March 23, 2018

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