Parkour Meaning: Absolute best sport.
If someone does parkour they are the coolest person in a five mile radius. Some how it doesn't get girls.
Unfortunately, if anyone participates in parkour they will be asked to do backflips by random strangers for the rest of there life.
Cool dude: "Yes, I do parkour"
Not as cool dude: "Do a backflip!"
1. The act of imitating something flawlessly executed by an Asian, but delivering a bad imitation
2. Skillfully dodging any acknowledgment or credit owed to an Asian original.
"Did you see Tom's parkour version of that origami swan? Looked more like a crumpled post-it."
"Every time I hear someone say they 'invented' an existing Asian trend, I think, 'Ah, classic parkour!'”
Jake: "Hey, have you seen my new parkour move?"
Liam: "You mean the one Jackie Chen did ages ago?"
Jake: "Who's Jackie Chen?"
The "Running Away" "Martial Art" of using the Urban and Built Environments as a playground or gymnasium, with the aim of trying to try to impress other people and that one day might help the individual evade confrontation, should they be chased through the exact location where they practice.
A fast track to blunt force trauma and serious injury from street furniture such as lamp-posts, concrete paving, brick walls; whose design does not include for high impact gymnastics.
"There's a flight of stairs over there? Will I walk down it? Nah. I know Parkour and there's a chick over there! I'll front flip down them and eat the banister, losing my dignity and six teeth in the process. That'll get her attention!"
Parkour is the French work for code lazar. Do NOT forget to yeet
Hallo everybody, and welcome back you bloody legends. This is the Lazarbeam channel. Do not forget that parkour is the French for code lazar.
(n.) Bar-hopping, but exclusively to rooftop bars.
(v.) To bar-hop, exclusively seeking rooftop bars.
"Dude, Navy Yard in DC is the best place to parkour, hands down."