to punish someone mentally, physically, psychologically, sexually, etc.
Daddy, please penalize me. punish
Ones incarcerated that connect to a PENAL SEX CIODE in an interesting way.
It is likely AARON WATSON PECKHAM gas an URBAN PENAL CLASS that indulges in all kinds of SEX IN prison and then sends each SEX ACT as a very well executed clear non ambiguous definition.
When you fall on your boner so hard that it breaks in half
I got a penal fracture while trying to chase Jessica at the prom dance
The act of literally releasing feces from one's penis, the results are called dickshit, the process takes a long time and usually ends with a lifelong virginity warranty.
Guy 1: Ahh fuck I had penal defecation this morning
Guy 2: How much shit did you piss out?
Guy 1: I'm not finished
Synonym to the word ‘penis’, ie male sex organ.
“Sir could you repeat number 6?”
“Oh you think it’s funny because it sounds like penis?”
“Keep going little boy & I’ll have you suck my penal after class ;)”