Possibility Advocacy
1. The practice or profession of encouraging and assisting individuals or groups to explore and embrace potential opportunities and possibilities, often through structured coaching, guidance, and motivational support.
2. A process or approach aimed at fostering personal and professional growth by helping people identify, pursue, and achieve their aspirations and goals.
Note: Possibility Advocacy differs from coaching, which usually focuses on developing specific skills or achieving particular goals, and therapy, which addresses emotional and psychological issues. Instead, Possibility Advocacy centers on inspiring and facilitating the exploration of new opportunities and potential.
Example: His work in Possibility Advocacy has transformed the lives of thousands of professionals in the Silicon Valley seeking career advancement.
Example: Her work in Possibility Advocacy transforms the working relationships between and within teams, making them more compassionate, empathetic, focused, and committed.
When your side chick gets pregnant and you are either not sure if its yours or you are just in denial about it until the DNA test is done. That's your "possibility baby".
My wife caught me cheating and to make matters worse she now knows about my possibility baby.
At some point atoms will get so hot that they move at the speed of light and sense nothing can move faster than light it’s the hottest temperature
-chase Klar
The hottest possible temperature is the hottest thing possible.
The word "possibleize" lets anyone say with one word what three words—"make things possible"—say.
A man who calls himself U.R. Perfect is working to possibleize error-repetition impossibilitation.
How 'bout e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g???
I let my teenage son drive to town in my monster truck to meet up with his buddies for some howling adventures --- what could possibly go wrong?