Source Code


It does not mean "pistol owned"
It did not originate in Counterstrike, no matter how much you noobers want to believe it.
It DID originate in quake.
It is a common misspelling of owned.

Do not make random stupid definitions that have NOTHING to do with the origin of this word, or you will be PWNED by my Justache (Mustache of Justice)

by [ny] Sneaky Pete |SA| March 7, 2006

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pwned means owned, this word came about when it was misspelt, gamers in particular like to use this word as it is both insulting and humiliating to the person on the recieving end of the insult.

person no. 1 : my xbox has got 3 red rings of death.
Person no. 2 : dude, you got pwned by microsoft.

by badb0y leer0y August 30, 2009

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pwned, is a word used by absolute wankers,
who think they wanna be different, and instead of saying OWNED, they used PWNED
(pronounced- pooned)

person1- "man i just totaly pwned that girl"
person2- "you're a wanker."

by izzeerascal. August 22, 2007

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To make someone else look stupid by quoting them and saying something that makes them look like a complete idiot. hence owning them, or pwning them.
that takes place on online message boards. it happens lesser out of that.

other wise to totally beat someone at a game. one player was at full health and destroyed the other player, he sure pwned him.

They have been PWNED!!!
I just pwned you.

by fuzzy November 23, 2003

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Likely derived from a misspelling of 'owned'; possibly derived from the Latin verb pono, ponere (to put, place, set aside).
To thoroughly and totally overcome or surpass someone, often in a surprising or wholly humiliating fashion.
Most commonly refers to whaling on someone in video games.
See also pwnt.

"I totally just pwned you right there!"
"Dude, you always get pwned in Counterstrike..."

by esperance June 28, 2007

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The domination of a person, place or thing.

it sounds like poned.

*playing halo*

"dude watch out for my spartan laser!"
guy gets killed by assassination

"You just got pwned!"

by Uzumaki Understudy April 16, 2009

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1. The complete or total annihilation of a person, place or thing.

2. The term for winning by a massive amount.

After we won 70-2 we just laughed and said, PWNED!

"Sir, we completely destroyed the city, as the young kids say... pwned.

by cclloyd9785 April 15, 2009

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