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Trading Quids

A secret "handshake" used by several shadowy societies in Britain concerned with the reestablishment of the Empire, especially in North America.

Person 1: Sir, would you like to exchange quids with me?
Person 2: I do not understand to what you are referring.
Person 1: Ah, my mistake.
Person 3: Excuse me, I could not help but overhear your proffer of trading quids with that fellow. I would be happy to trade quids with you.
Person 1: Ah well in that case, kind sir, please take this quid and also this secret parcel as a gesture of my good will.

by Wide Mouth November 27, 2012

quid pro no-no

What folks are saying about Clarence and Ginni Thomas’ shamelessly profiteering Supreme Court decision-for-sale antics.

Oh Clarence, how can the public even think for a minute that we are taking bribes for access, that what we’ve done is a quid pro no-no?

by Dr Bunnygirl May 5, 2023


big daddy

"they don't call me quiding for nothing!"

by bowling for soup March 18, 2017

Quo pro quid

Spanking your partner’s buttocks after being spanked by your partner

She gasped and smiled after he playfully spanked her, then she responded with a frisky quo pro quid on his backside.

by BroccoliCheese November 25, 2022


The British Slang term for One Pound Sterling, typically used by brits who browse reddit for a living.

Jack: "Oi mate mind paypalling me 8 quid why don't ye?"
Enzo: "Fuck off ye wank stain I need to feed me kids."

by Lobster Jesus December 1, 2020


When you shag someone for around half a second, the equivalent of paying a London prostitute £1 for a shag

"What the fuck was that? Don't try and give me a quid!"

by Haha yeah man January 13, 2018


Guy who can’t grow facial hair

Person 1: yo did you hear that isaiah can’t grow a beard
Person 2: what a quid

by Quidquid0117 March 29, 2022