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rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai

kinda weird at the beginning

depressing at the end

dude 1: meh, never really liked rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai
dude 2: i will grind your kneecaps into a power for my clam chowder

by poop man man poop February 18, 2021

14👍 1👎


Rizz lord

Person 1: You’re a RAscales
Person 2: I know

by XxDeathStarxX January 18, 2023

white rascal


Yo that kid is a white rascal!

by Hoc Neezy July 26, 2019


A person who does not dream about bunny girl senpai.

Hey, what a rascal who dreams about something.

by notarealname69420 January 27, 2019


someone who is usually up to no good but the kindest person youve ever met. someone who will willingly buy you gifts that you mention you want jokingly in a conversation. someone who will comfort you no matter what and check you’re okay. but also someone who is very mischievous.

person one: did you see that rascal over there?
person two: he seemed rather nice.

by givenapseudonym September 9, 2023


When a gamer plays nude and gets a train ran on them

I heard this girl was a Rascal through the mic last game

by Xenviq June 1, 2021


v. The act of crossing the street in a rascal scooter; often at dangerous times and resulting in injury to the rascaler or drivers.

Steve: Hey man, here about that wreck on Main St.?
Henry: No what happened?
Steve: Some fool was jay-rascaling across 4 lanes of traffice and caused a pile up.
Henry: What happened to the rascaler?
Steve: Dead, they are putting up a memorial.

by the bengal May 12, 2011