When an individual swings hips from side to side while walking, naturally and without thought; an unconscious movement.
I whistled at what I thought was a fine chic robynating down the street but, when she turned around it was actually a man with a beard.
Pulling a Robyn is when you tell your friends that you are running to the bathroom and you never return. Usually used to evade goodbyes and go to bed without trouble from your friends.
I was hoping Amy would stay out late but at 10:30 she said she needed to pee and never return... bish was pulling a Robyn on me.
A very small hard to find place that is dark as fuck cold and iced over.
You don’t want to go in there that’s a Robyn’s heart
Caitie-Robyn is a friend you can count on when the tough gets going , or when the going gets tough. If you need a spare hand, Caitie-Robyn is the one you want on your side. If you are in an arguement against someone who has two first names hyphenated together, you know you have already lost. Caitie-Robyn is undefeated and has never lost.
I ran out of cutlerly but I knew my friend Caitie-Robyn had spare forks and knives so she gave me a plastic bag full of cutlerly so that I would never run out of utensils. I now do not have to do the dishes as frequently so I now blame Caitie-Robyn for my procostination problems.
robyn o’reilly is the hottest, most sexiest girl you will ever see in your life. she is super tall, athletic, smart, kind, generous and caring. she is best friends with everyone she knows and has beef with no one. extremely talented and is unbelievable at singing “shallow” by lady gaga. most known for her concerts held for charity two to three times a week. has the most beautiful face and perfect eyesight. no one hates her and she is radiant with beauty. it’s hard to find anyone quite like her. her only fault is that she is too shy and cannot talk to the guy she fancies for the life of her. besides that, she is perfect and every guy wants her (except the one she wants). every girl also wants her. the best person to have a sleepover with. also had great eyesight.
“wow who’s that girl?!! she’s the hottest, smartest, kindest, prettiest, most wonderful girl i have ever seen!!”
“I’ve never seen her before, but i can Just tell that shes robyn o’reilly.”
best person every she is so pretty and kind and the entire world loves them some much.
Robyn<3<3<3<3 is so cool and love them so much!
Incredible, intelligent, genuine, woke, strong, loveable, activist for human decency, anti-racist, anti-bigotry, caring, creative, real, absolutly beautiful inside and out.
Noteworthy citations:
Who is that amazing woman with an aura of love? It's Robyn Sweet of course.