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Surging sanders

When someone comes out of nowhere

Randy Orton was so turned on, he literally surging sanders all over the place.

by yellobello January 13, 2016

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surging sanders

Coming out of nowhere.

He pulled a surging sanders last night.

by surgesoda January 13, 2016

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Surging Sanders

"A Surfing Sanders is where you come out of nowhere" - Trevor Noah 2016

Also being used to describe when Burnie Sanders had a increase in support in political poll results.

Ted Cruz was having dinner with his wife last night when he pulled a Surging Sanders.

by wagonreality January 15, 2016

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Surging Sanders

(V.) When one cums out of nowhere when faced against an oppressive situation. Leaving your enemies Bernt in the progress.

Wall Street and establishment political puppets: OK look guys you can one day become as rich as us, but you'll need to take this 'reasonable' loan to build up your capital...

Bernie Sanders: I won't stand for this AAAARGH!!

Guy: Wow they're getting bernt, never knew Wall Street was a pussy

Girl : Well that's a surging sanders for you

by Hillary Clinton January 15, 2016

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surging sanders

Cuming out of nowhere.

I was just driving , then I started surging sanders.

by willhowe_42 January 19, 2016

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Surging Sanders

When you cum out of nowhere.

Hillary Clinton did not see that Surging Sanders coming and ended up with egg on her face.

by DarthBane85 January 21, 2016

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surging sanders

When you come out of nowhere.

Man, I was fucking when a minute in I had a Surging Sanders.

Damn, dude.

by definitionsnshit January 24, 2016

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