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Scene Kids

Scene Kids:
-Stupid flippy hair
-Dying hair multiple colors(constantly)
-Caked on neon eye shadow
-Fake eye lashes
-Ridiculous Bows
-Ugly neon colored or Patterned pants
-Lots of layers in hair.
-Skunk Streaks
-Pink or whatever colored tips

Scene kids are annoying and always have the attitude where they think they're better than everyone. They're mall whores. The way they dress is ugly and stupid. Come on people, the whole "scene" look is ridiculous. Scene Weenies should all go die, like the emo people they are. For those scene kids who want to be an artsy fashion designer will fail because you'll all get your bedazzled trinkets from Michaels as jewleery. Scene kids are also internet famous and boat about being buddies with myspace icon Jeffree Star. Go die scene kids. No one likes you.

Look at those scene kids. They're so ugly. Ew.

by Anti_Scene October 10, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid

A ridiculous person who conforms to a stupid fashion trend and attitude that basically consists of jeans and shirts that are far too tight for either the male or female body and looks like utter crap. Girls like to wear ballet tutus over their jeans, long hair extensions, hello kitty necklaces and neon coloured eyeshadow all the way to their eyebrows. Boys tend to wear girl clothing and flat iron their hair, or otherwise manage to make themselves look like a flaming faggot. This all comes with a large dose of egotistical personality. They often proclaim things like, "I'm so fucking hardcore." "You don't know me, so don't act like you do." "I'm fucking amazing. You WISH you knew me."

Most or all of scene kids have a MySpace and add strangers just so they can boast about their "25k" or higher friend count. Apparently, this makes them look popular. They also text obsessively and wear far too much make up. It doesn't matter if they have terrible complexion, because it always looks perfect in their photographs since they enlist the help of a digital plastic surgeon. Unfortunately I'm one of them. PhotoShop does wonders.

Scene kids are basically emo kids, but instead of being depressed and asocial, they're completely the opposite and tend to be pretentious twats.

Me: Dude, a whole bunch of scene kids added me to their friends list just so I could Shop their shitty photos.
Friend: Sucks to be you, man.

by paperxrubies July 9, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene kids

best teenagers in the world with the best tase in music and the best fashion sense....(its ok people youll get over it)

omg those scene kids are so scene. i wish i was as scene as them

by xxxmeganislovexxx March 7, 2007

58๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

EVERYTHING YOU HAVE READ ABOUT SCENE KIDS IS OUTDATED. It's all written in 05 through 07, and everything's changed. no more brutal and no more gross hair, etc.

_wear plaid shirts, band shirts, v-necks
_skinny jeans, cute mini skirts
_flats, converse, vans
_dont normally tease their hair. the older ones (16+) do sometimes, but it's not huge or obnoxious.
_hair is dyed any color, brown and red are becoming popular
_coontails are not a necessity. some have them just for fun
_still go to shows but some just go in random public places and act stupid
_some have myspace names involving band names/songs (bring carly the horizon; hey jake, whats your name again?)
_ages 14 to 20+
_it's cool to be a photographer, site model, and band member (deathcore, screamo, and metalcore. anything else isn't scene. it's just normal)

_The Devil Wears Prada
_Bring Me the Horizon (obvz)
_A Skylit Drive
_Sky Eats Airplane
*anything crunk, or with a dude screaming incessantly. occassionally electronic or acoustic weasels its way in.

New scene kids dress kind of indie now. Some still look brutal but without the crazy hair. Piercings are still common, as is MySpace usage. Photoshopped pictures no longer look as overdone, depending on who the person is. No one worships scene queens. In fact, most of the new kids have no idea who they are. Gore, hello kitty and diamonds are not obsessions. The new thing to have on your profile is a random photography picture or a phrase proclaiming personal beliefs, or saying something along the lines of "I'M NOT EMO OR SCENE, IM JUST MYSELF".

_look emo
_have bad dye jobs
_wear thick gross eyeliner
_pierce their lips crookedly and get them infected
_listen to emo music (MCR, etc)
_have pages loaded down with gloomy bear and stupid dinosaur/robot junk. "rawrrr" is a common phrase.

_myspace name involves an EMO BAND (my chemical katie; lorrie! at the disco) or its a brutal rip-off (sarah sinister, victoria vicious)
_ages 10-13 usually (some kids within those ages are legit though, dont discriminate against age, ya digg?)

My advice: don't read the entries for scene unless it's from 2008 or 2009. otherwise, you'll end up looking lstupid & everyone will ask what happened to your hair. but if you wish, go ahead and look completely br00tal and hXc. personally, i love that style. not everyone can pull it off though, including myself.


scene kids have changed a lot since their official inception into teenage culture in the year 2004.

by xD0LLF4YC3 August 19, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kid



Step 1:Get a side of your lip pierced(Either left or right, no middle)

Step 2:Cut your hair in the back because "it is annoying" and spike it

Step 3:Get sides cut and spike in the back

Step 3:Take mirror shots(NO SMILES!) scribble on them in paint

Step 4:Wear new balances(Steal your brothers if none available or waiting for them in the mail)

Step 5:Change your social scene

Step 6:Go to shows and hardcore dance

Step 7:Make sure your myspace name is changed to an emo/scene song lyric or song title

Step 8: Don't forget to get the picture of you with your hood up and your hair sprawled(wifted) across your face(MAKE SURE A MINIMUM OF 5 STRANDS COVER YOUR EYE! and preferably take shot where only one eye is showing.

omg ur totally scene now cngrtz!!

Look at that scene kid! he must have followed the eight steps on UD!

by NakedJosh March 29, 2006

81๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid

Scene kids usually all look alike and have the same hairstyle. They don't have their own style, even though some girls say they do.

Female scene kids usually have choppy hair or hair that resembles a huge mullet. They wear little girl clips and are obsessed with eyeliner. They are also obsessed with little kid stuff. They wear skinny jeans with stripped shirts. A lot of the times they wear little kid shirts. They wear flats, leggings, and stripped socks. They always have a picture of them in this certain pose. Their mouth would be opened like they're surprised. They take pictures with the camera high above their side so you could only slightly see the side of their face. They usually have their mouth to the side or make stupid "ugly and cute" facial expressions. The pictures are always photoshopped of course.

come to the show with me ily!! && give me fruity pebbles they make me smile ♥♥ lol rawr scene kid

by Rosanna Marie October 26, 2006

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scene kids

Ignorant kids who steal punk culture, milk it's fashion to death, and remove all the politics, attitude, purpose from it all for the sake of fashion and "individuality". Individuality they ruin because they assimilate it to the point where everyone from rap fans to the Olson twins can wear it and the word individuality it's self looses meaning.

It's all about looking good and being selfish.

Punk's took ugly and made it shocking, scene kids took ugly and made it fashionable.

by Thepunkranter March 24, 2008

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