Alternative to "anti-sematic" - far more precise, concise, and targeted towards what they user intends to portray when using verbally, written, and in every other format that is expelled out of their arrogant nuisance of a flush bodied waste of space.
Broken down 1. Sheeple, a group that doesnt think for themselves (or think at all) and just follow other ideologies (for tose in the low IQ club, that means the ideas you possess) 2. Delusional, even the "humans" that strig tigether a sentence explaining why jew are "x,y or z) (all bad, since they are the demograpohc that uses ati-sematism, not realliIng this is really what they mean) 3,. sematism - if you dont know what that means, I wish you luck. Try Dennys.
Important to note Anti sematic can also be used as a Public Relations attention grabber which is cheap and pathetic - BUT effective none the less.
Kanye is in the new taling :anti semetic lately, he is really just capitalizing off the knee jerk reaction it gets. What he really means is Sheeple dementia sematic.
An unthinking person who is herded by conspiracy theorists.
Jabez believes everything he reads on the faux news. He is a black sheeple.
YouTube Star known as StephensVlogs refers to his fan base as the sheeplings, he says it shows they are loyal fans.
You are a sheepling, someone who is a loyal fan to StephensVlogs
Sheeples are the same type of people who mourned Jimmy Savile death but then soon realised how wrong they were
Has the media turned TV audiences into sheeples?
A group of sheep lead by a person or persons.
She saw BoPeep and her Sheeple
Someone who is politically liberal and leftist. Gets their single source of truth from MSM and the government. Willing obeys all covid restrictions such as mask mandates, stay at home orders. Triple if not quadruple jabbed. Calls any fact or evidence that counters the regime's narrative 'conspiracy theories' or 'disinformation.' Hates Joe Rogan like the devil and has severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Likely has a Ukraine flag and pronouns in the bio, possibly even a rainbow flag and/or BLM.
Brad: Man, Joe Rogan is a threat to our democracy with his covid lies and disinformation.
Ted: Ok sheeple.
Brad: You're just a Joe Rogan fanboy.
Ted: How many weeks to flatten the curve?
Brad: No that was only til the vaccine
Ted: Ok buddy
Brad: Besides, I don't even mind staying home and wearing a mask if it means we're all safe
Ted: I don't know whether to cry or laugh
Brad: *Incomprehensible baaing
Ted: You have to round up the sheeple to slaughter them and harvest the wool
Brad: *More confused, alarmed baaing
Ted: The wool is your sanity and you have been sheared. You have submitted your powers to the regime and they have full control over you.
A term used by contrarians, pseudo-intellectuals, and entitled people who think people are of less value because they enjoy or agree with things that have been established before.
Person A: “Look at all these sheeple completely attached to their phones”
Person B: “And your problem with that is?”
Person A: “They could be spending doing other things”
Person B: “We’re on a subway what are our options exactly?”
Person A: “Read a book?”
Person B: “You expect everyone to have a book on them at all times?”
Person A: “That would be amazing for literacy! Then I wouldn’t have to be surrounded by these unenlightened simpletons!”
Person B: “So, I assume, you not being an unenlightened simpleton, you’ve read many books?”
Person A: “Correct you are”
Person B: “Then you’d know most books don’t fit in pockets right?”
Person A: “Well sure but it’s still a lot better pastime than having you’re eyes glued to screens”
Person B: “Even when you finish or lose interest or upon, starting the novel, find you don’t like the most often one story provided?”
Person A: “Don’t underestimate just how much you can get out of even one story”
Person B: “And that’s comparable to the millions of games, videos, pictures, songs, news articles, audiobooks, podcasts and streaming series, shows, short films, and movies and, yes 𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨 that you can access through phones?”
Person A: “Stfu NPC, you may think you know everything, you may think you’re the main character but really yo…”
Person B: “Whatever man”