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Virtue Signalling

A scheming, disingenuous act of kindness and selflessness to show ones solidarity with a cause, such as volunteering for CAMHS, all to boost ones image and reputation, rather than to help the cause. It is commonly weaponised by politicians and used in debates to appease the majority.
Synonyms: I have no life, I'm a cuck, please give me attention, stop mansplaining
Antonyms: I'm smart, I'm sexy, I'm not a 28 year old living in his mother's basement, I've got a nice schlong

Examples of virtue signalling:
- Jeremy Corbyn introducing his pronouns during a speech on Pink News
- Simon Cowell allowing a mediocre comedian to progress to the finals of Britain's Got Talent because he was disabled
- 18 year old college students stating their obvious gender pronouns in their Instagram/Twitter bios
- Wokeness - wokeness is virtue signalling, and virtue signalling is wokeness
- Michelle Williams' irrelevant and unnecessary speech at the Golden Globe Awards
- Refuting the scientific reality of biological sex

by bigboobies007 January 8, 2020

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Smoke Signals

(Commonly mistaken as a Dutch Oven however does not involve completely covering the victim)

The act of farting under a blanket while next to another person and then wafting the blanket. This causes the expelled gas to be pushed up and out of the opening blowing it in to the face of the other person. Extremely potent if multiple are saved up under the blanket.

I gave my wife smoke signals and she passed out cause I saved so many before doing it.

by Saddian July 22, 2012

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Virtual Signalling

A term for the expression of being a tech nerd or crypto bros with the intent of communicating superiority or membership to an exclusive club.

Q: Jack doesn't even own a Bored Ape NFT, so why is he wearing a Bored Ape hoodie?

A: He's clearly virtual signalling, just like that time he changed his pronouns to curly brackets.

by badlearner March 2, 2022

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To dismiss any expression of solidarity, anti-racism, objection to misogyny etc as "virtue-signalling".

Vermin-signalling is simultaneously an attempt to discredit the views - most likely in favour of a minority group - that are being expressed, while underlining the dominance of the "correct" group, and an efficient method of establishing that you hold utterly verminous views that will probably mean your family slowly stop talking to you on Facebook or even coming round for Thanksgiving.

"My uncle's all over Facebook again, shouting about how people who object to black people being killed in their own homes are 'virtue-signalling'. He always starts vermin-signalling when he's drunk, but that just keeps getting earlier in the day."

by A Cheffie October 26, 2020

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When a someone kisses you and then stops and waits -- often signaling for you to take over/that they want sex, but they are not participating in any capacity or trying to turn their partner on at all.

We were watching netflix and she just kept kiss-signaling me all night, but then just sitting there and doing nothing. I haaaaate that kind of passive aggressive advance.

by sanityfailsme September 2, 2023

Signals 4

A signal originally founded from an ancient game, known as "cricket". Now used commonly in the north of England

Can be signalled at any apparent time, but is used most effectively to acknowledge a positive action, or something which a pair or large section of a group found amusing.

The phrase is to be used while partaking in the 4 signal (outstretching one arm away from your body and moving it back, forth, back and forth -- until the arm has moved 4 times), stating the action by name as it is performed.
Individuals who are experienced in signalling 4 will almost certainly develop a personal technique, renowned amongst their peers.

It can be used in 2 different scenarios:

1) Stated while performing the signal in appropriate situation.

2) Typed in bold letters in any chat (Facebook, MSN, text) if face-to-face conversation isn't available but a situation is deemed appropriate.


1) You mean, he just shouted at someone in their car, and they turned around, parked up and threatened to kill him?!


Signals 4! (Then instantly performs signal)


- So we're definatly on for Saturday?
~ Yeah
- *Signals 4* -- at this point, the person may choose to actually perform a 4 signal on their own, entirely preference.

(*'s indicate bold writing)

by WhoEvenisDerekLlambias? September 23, 2010

Death Signal

The signal sent by manufacturing companies to your kill your electronic device shortly after you choose not to purchase an extended warranty for the item

My Mac crashed a week after I decided not to renew my warranty. Apple must have sent the Death Signal.

by HarpDaddy May 10, 2010