Source Code

Chr0me Strat

When you throw the game like a bitch

Chr0me:Runs down mid.
Announcer:A ally has been slain.
Dunk:Is that the Chr0me Strat

by DrStick April 17, 2019

Tower Strat

A really effective strategy, i.e. making a tower( placing 4 pieces in a row) in the game connect-4

Person 1: I'm going to kick the ball into the net next game
Person 2: That's an amazing tower strat

by bobbobbob15 June 1, 2023

Toenail strat

When one uses there big toenail to scratch the tip of their penis to pleasure themselves.

P.S the more blood the better

Example: Just got off work can’t wait to hit the toenail Strat

by Wock fiends March 30, 2024

Chad Strat

An elite strategy in life and/or gaming that can only be executed by a true Chad

"Woah, is Alec attempting the 'Triple Tranny Groomer Maneuver'? That's a super high level Chad Strat."

"Yeah, that dude's a real Gamer; he can do it."

by JellyBag November 20, 2021

goblin strat

goblin on deez nuts

Jeffrey Smith is doing the goblin strat for free! OH man! Let me get get a tur!

by noahellis May 13, 2021

Strat Dunn

A very intresting species of human, mostly found in tennesee inside a house playing 2K of Fortnite.

Ahhhhhh your pulling a strat dunn as you play fortnite all day!

by dddddd dash May 20, 2019

Strat strat

The kind of text message that sends you to urban dictionary to decipher

Last night that chicka sent me some strat strat. I have no idea what she was trying to say.

by Redman73 August 10, 2021