Austin Stubbings sucks at fortnite. Dont let him near Owen Griegs brother hell definetly touch him up and down
Damn did you see Austin Stubbings walking with that kid?
Yes that was owens brother theyre gonna get it on
b-stub is a noun usually describing Caucasians named Greg who are celebrating either their 19th or 20th birthdays. b-stub is actually an acronym for "be soon tackling un benchmark". This acronym is in broken English with some Spanish elements because it was created on the streets of Mexico. Mexicans used to call 19 or 20 year-old Caucasians in Mexico b-stubs because it was believed that at this age, Caucasians named Greg would face a benchmark in their life and they would have to overcome it(or "tackle" it). It was a rite of passage for Caucasian Gregs in Mexico, and a ceremony would be held, and after the ceremony the Gregs would be garner much more respect from their Mexican brethren.
My friend Greg is gonna be a b-stub tomorrow but I don't know what to get him for a present.
A question that implies someone is in a bad mood
(Toe stubbing is rhe worst pain known to mankind - if someone were to stub your toe they would be causing you great pain)
Person 1: Gosh, you’re grumpy. Who stubbed your toe? i.e. who ruined your day?
Person 2: You
Shirt legs on a dog or cat. Deserves books, though books will be considered aggressive to pets.
When your positively retarded
I'm gonna stub you- the foolish girl
Look in your pants and you'll find out what stub means.
Stubbing in the other hand means a different thing. You can for example stub your toe which would mean you hit your toe on something which is painfull as fuck.