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subscribe to nerdatrons on youtube

do it rn nerd

idot:Man. i am going to not subscribe to nerdatrons on youtube
smart man: do it rn nerd

by nerdatrons May 8, 2020


I mean... Where did you even come from?

Hym "My YouTube keeping subscribing me to me to random channels... What the fuck? And at the same time it's like 'Yeah, I'm totally into Kiki Wong. I'm way into literally everything that is going on over here... Like... All of that." But YouTube doesn't KNOW that! It doesn't KNOW me! I DIDN'T SUBSCRIBE TO YOU KIKI! I DIDN'T SUBSCRIBE BUT I REFUSE TO STOP! I WON'T LET YOUTUBE WIN! NOT TODAY!"

by Hym Iam January 14, 2024