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a word that is used to describe people that think they're cool, but on an occasion, that person actually is cool, like christine

basically the definition of swagger is christine. be like christine everyone

christine is sooo cool!

i know right!! she basically is swagger

true dat shit

by a person with a computer December 6, 2012

2๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


a really offensive word that isn't even mean because there is so much love oozing out of it.

amber: you still haven't slept over yet.
bianca: invite me over then yah swagger.
.. i dont even know what that means.
amber: lets make a meaning, put it in urban dictionary.

by amburgercox&biancaoath December 16, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž


How ex-marine's present him or her self to the world. Swagger is shown from how they handle their drunken state. It can also be shown in his walking and stumbling. Rolling of the eyes to the back of ones head is common. Slurred speech may also occur. Frequent spilling of beer upon ones-self (or purse), or spilling/dropping of any food product/condiments. Dropping beer mugs to hear the sound of glass breaking. Excessive belching and farting may occur.

Matt: "Bob you were messed up last night! Stumbling, tripping, and your eyes were rolling in the back of your head!"
Bob: "No, that's swagger!"

by zero cool 702 June 12, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

exaggerated swagger

A distinct characteristic only found within black teens, typically displayed when leaping off of rooftops and flipping backwards to face the camera before falling into a head first dive.

The way he leaps off of rooftops and turns to face the camera before falling into a head first dive is just full of the exaggerated swagger of a black teen, it gives me goosebumps every time he does it. -Gamespot 2020

by cartop5 November 18, 2020

927๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Foreign swaggers

Am inside joke that every nctzens should know

Mark: โ€œWe are the foreign swaggersโ€

Johnny:โ€*starts beat boxing* uhh yeah

Jaehyun:โ€I lived in America for four years that why Iโ€™m here MAN!

by Hi_im baby October 13, 2019

99๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Swagger Baskin

To bask in your own swagger. To have so much swagger that you can just bask in the ambiance of it.

Carl: Yo have you seen Zach today?

Eric: Naw, I heard he's in the cut swagger baskin.

Carl: Word, I wish I had swagger like that nigga.

by Zach Hitsitraw October 23, 2011

swagger souls

yeet bitch

something you do in CS:GO or PUBG

swagger souls on youtube

by yeetingman January 31, 2018

179๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž