When two people’s love for each other is too strong.
“Tames couples are just too cute!”
To put invisible chains on someone or something.
The girl got mauled trying to tame the mountain lion at the zoo. She took a gamble with it and didn't leave Vegas a winner.
To put invisible chains on someone or something.
The girl got mauled trying to tame the mountain lion at the zoo. She took a gamble with it and didn't leave Vegas a winner. Nature got even.
To put invisible chains on someone or something.
The girl got mauled trying to tame the mountain lion at the zoo. She took a gamble with it and didn't leave Vegas a winner. She fought back, but nature got even. It happens.
To put invisible chains on someone or something.
The girl got mauled trying to tame the mountain lion at the zoo. She took a gamble with it and didn't leave Vegas a winner. She fought back, but nature got even.
A tame negrot is a chill nigga, a nigga you can get along with, a fellow a friend
“You should hang out with my friend sometime, he’s a pretty tame negrot”
To coax the highest damage to HAAT, by tickling the undercarriage of General Grievous
Riddy tickles Grievous balls to climax he is the Tame Tanker