Source Code

Devil's Tango

A PG word version of the word "sex". Sometimes used in Alex Meyers videos.

Example in Alex Meyers's Video "The Kissing Booth is kinda dumb" video: "And then they do the old DEVIL'S TANGO in front of the Hollywood Sign?!"

Example in General: "I heard that Alex and Shelby did the Devil's Tango in their rooms."

by [The Stranger] December 7, 2021

33πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Finnish Tango

a slower-pace, sad, finnish version of the latin tango. first seen by american eyes on '60 Minutes'

man, my grandma made my dad by doing the finnish tango with my grandpa.

by Adam McD May 19, 2003

37πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

tango uniform

adj – slang: military phonetic alphabet for letters β€˜t’ and β€˜u’, used as euphemistic abbreviation for β€˜tits up’.
etymology: from military aviation, where the flight attitude indicator on the aircraft instrument panel contained a miniature representation of an airplane which showed the flight attitude – climb, dive, bank; one style of the indicator was shaped with β€˜v’ forms between the β€˜dot’ – representing the fuselage (body) and the β€˜dashes’ – representing the wings; (–v*v– see illus.) the β€˜v’s were frequently referred to as β€˜tits’; the term referred to the potentially hazardous inverted flight condition – β€˜upside down’ – where the β€˜tits’ would be seen as being β€˜up’.

β€œDon’t get β€˜tango uniform’!”

by wurdman December 22, 2006

365πŸ‘ 185πŸ‘Ž

Pussy Tango

A sexual act where the male lays down, or sits in a chair and the girl (obviously undressed) puts her pussy in your face and lap dances your face while you tongue her vagina.

Hey Even guess what?
What man?
Kristen gave me the pussy tango!
Oh heeeeeeell yeah!

by ChronicSaurusRex March 23, 2011

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Tango Down

a army slang that refers to target down, it is used tango because of the otan fonetic dictionary that uses Tango for the "t".
so it is Tango down.

Tango down sony.com (anonnymus)
Tango Down Killing in cod.
Tango Down Kill in irak.

by Juancmb June 8, 2012

74πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

mango tango

to engage in flirty, playful behaviour, usually leading to sexual activity.

Guy: "How did last night end up?"
Friend: "We met for coffee but she was gagging for it so I took her back to mine for some mango tango"

by Jas.. June 13, 2008

25πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Tango Blast

A small up incoming prison gang in texas. it originated in Houston but is extending into other cities in texas such as Dallas and Austin. The gangs symbol is a star and do not see themselves as a gang but a family.

When my cuzin went to jail he would tell me about a gang in there that called themselves tango blast..

by down south reppin January 4, 2008

193πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž