Cute small loveable pudgy black child you can tell all your problems to
A beautiful woman with tattoos on her breasts.
That girl at the club had a great tatty.
A tattoo on a woman's breast that she proudly displays like a badge of honor.
That's a nice looking Tatty that you have. I like the way the dragons tail extends into your cleavage line.
In Scotland, the locals refer to chopped and friend potato as "Tattie Sticks". The rest of the common world refer to these as "Chips" or "Fries".
Aye paw, wanna git some tattie sticks and a few meat disk buns?
Scottish slag for when you slap someone on the forehead.
You’ve just been tattie sconned!!
Brian: slaps Scott on the forehead while screaming TATTIE SCONE leaving him red raw like a game of red arse.
Oversized females with full sleeve tattoos; commonly spotted at punk rock /metal music festivals.
Looking forward to the concert, but definitely not looking forward to the abundance of fat tatties in attendance.