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Testicular Lebronism

Having balls as big as Lebron

person 1 - bro im a testicular lebronist who follows Testicular Lebronism
person 2 - lemme see it :smirk:

by zerve October 3, 2022

Testicular Dyslexia

Testicular Dyslexia is when your balls can't read the room right. That's why rape cases are so high. Therefore, do not think with your balls.

Jonanthonan has testicular dyslexia but he keeps saying he doesnt because hes a misogynist.

by Not A Penis-Possessor January 8, 2022

Testicular Retraction

When a person absorbs his nutsack into his kidney.


Man caught showing 3rd graders his testicular retraction skills is now facing the death penalty.

by Dick Widebum August 25, 2019

Testicular infection

Very painful infection in the testicles. May have moderate to severe pain. Medical help is strongly suggested for proper diagnosis.

Why are you looking up medical conditions on a site mainly used for modern day slangs?

Man 1: Oh shit I think I got testicular infection!
Man 2: Go get a doctor to properly diagnose it!

by Piggy_Master603 June 23, 2019

testicular eruption

when you have ball cancer the final stage is

Testicular eruption when your balls explode

bro, I’m suffering from stage four ball cancer

you supply’s gonna get cut off!

yeah man testicular eruption’s gonna suck ass

by testicular eruption man April 28, 2023

testicular smash

When Bobo (giant ass gorilla) says, hey I’m tired of your shit and windmills the shit out of your nuts.

“Hey John did you hear about the guy that pissed off that gorilla? Yea, he got a testicular smash from Bobo.”

by Palace guard January 29, 2018

Testicular Psychiatrist

One who can communicate with testicles. Also know as a ball whisperer.

Guy1: Yesterday, my balls were sweaty so I went to a Testicular Psychiatrist. He calmed them down and now they’re not sweaty anymore.

Guy2: I sure as hell need to see a ball whisperer my balls have been giving me trouble for months.

by Leprechaun Circle Jerkle October 7, 2021