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a short way of saying Kingsville primary school, the best school ever only pretty people went there

my child goes to kps

by 2nhfcft November 23, 2021

I love kp

A 6 manner

I love kp 6 manned to pred

by GG kid January 19, 2023

I love kp

A 6 manner

I love kp 6 manned to pred

by GG kid January 19, 2023

kp gei

the most powerful question in the world, meaning what`s up gay, which is created by perik and me(Shtipkata)

-kp gei?
-nishto ti?

by shtipkata March 19, 2020


(1)stands for king pussy
(2)someone who is self-centered and thinks they are always right.
(3)arrogant person,who is spoilt.
(4)for those who watch zombie movies a kp is the guy that always makes a fuss,whiny whould let his group die to save his hide.
(5)most af the time a kp is a nerd yho tries to fit in. he fails.

(1)man Ben is such a kp talks abt how good he is at halo3 yet he got owned by my younger bro.
(2)person1:hey do you know how to do this question?
person2:moron its so easy.
person1:so how do you do it?
person2:u should umm err
person1;u dont know how to do it do you
person2:shut up man. u suck.(classic kp)

(3)hey mike i will kill you!u will see my mom then youll be sorry.u will pay for telling the whole class that i wrote the wrong answers for that test!(sniff)
me:bring it on kp!

by argo489 June 18, 2008