A person with such a giant nose, it can only be compared to the obstacle that was featured in the classic game show, Family Double-Dare.
"Shut up, double-dare."
9๐ 63๐
not so good of a movie....awesome sondtrack.....weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
the evil squirrels are hungry.....we must escape thier paths of destruction. run u pitiful excuse for a cheeselog....RUN!!!!!
5๐ 30๐
It is the ultimate dare. It's for when a person rejects a regular dare, AND a double dog dare. It is a dare that you HAVE to do under any circumstances. If you don't do it you look like a weakling or a chicken.
I triple dog dared her to run around the house completely naked. She chickened out and to this day we don't let her live it down.
213๐ 32๐
Telling something not to do especially while in anger
26๐ 3๐
Greta Thunberg screamed it to the world leaders in 2019. They don't seem to care much and everything is back to business as usual
How dare you to steal my childhood?
83๐ 16๐
The motto of the world's greatest strike unit, the SAS.
Losely translates as "Stop pansying around and grow some you little bitch"
Is that Thatcher?
87๐ 23๐
A way to get stupid people to do what ever you want.
Me: "I want you to go clean out my toilet after that massive shit I just took."
person: "No, I'm not doing that."
Me: "I triple dog dare you."
person: "Deal!"
44๐ 10๐