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Jive Like

A slang saying originated in Washington DC, meaning "sort of" or "similar to".

Man: When i see my girlfriend talking to another girl, it Jive Like makes me feel jealous

by thefamoussjeani April 2, 2017

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

jive turkey,

70s slang, synonomous with "chump". Popularized by urban phonics of the 70s. Also a popular name for softball team in Yonkers

As in "Honkey, sucka, jive turkey, Motha F'er"

by Spladow February 23, 2007

78๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fresh Jive

fresh jive: new lingo fresh as in, so cool, new, clean: jive as in, style language, flow.

with my fresh jive i'm always keeping it live! still representin hip-hop past the age of 25.

yoson that was some fresh jive.

by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee May 18, 2005

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

hand jive

a dance found in the movie and broadway musical Grease. Don't ask me how to do it.

I could barely walk when I milked a cow, when I was three I pushed a plow, while chopping wood I moved my legs, and I started dancing when I gathered eggs. The whole time laughed, I was only five, I danced and gave birth to the hand jive!

by Gwen Stefani Grrl June 20, 2004

58๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

jive turkey

The most insulting word in the english dictionary.

I about shot John after he called me a jive turkey, but it turns out he really only called me a cock sucker.

by eagle777 March 12, 2008

4269๐Ÿ‘ 2333๐Ÿ‘Ž

shuck and jive

To shuck and jive" originally referred to the intentionally misleading words and actions that African-Americans would employ in order to deceive racist Euro-Americans in power, both during the period of slavery and afterwards. The expression was documented as being in wide usage in the 1920s, but may have originated much earlier.

"Shucking and jiving" was a tactic of both survival and resistance. A slave, for instance, could say eagerly, "Oh, yes, Master," and have no real intention to obey. Or an African-American man could pretend to be working hard at a task he was ordered to do, but might put up this pretense only when under observation. Both would be instances of "doin' the old shuck 'n jive."

It has been adopted into non-Afroamerican speech, with a reference to behavior adopted in order to avoid criticism.

In order to keep my job, I had to do the shuck and jive!

by Dr. Mark January 20, 2010

939๐Ÿ‘ 493๐Ÿ‘Ž


To give head; to orally please some one

Man, I speak jive. Do you understand it? I've been speaking it for a while, would you like to hear? *gives head*

by onemanlan September 24, 2004

3๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž