Razzing is playfully roasting someone or teasing someone. It could often be a close friend or family member.
It could be over anything but it could be brought on by something that might be revealed by a person that is a surprise to others. Something that could seem out of character.
Like a guy finds out his very tough and rugged friend really likes love songs or romantic movies.
His friends might razz him over that a little bit for fun.
Johns friends were Razzed him because they didn't approve of the type of music he was listening to.
The state of being mildly to severely bothered and or angry.
Brad: "You mad bro?"
Me: "Nah, I'm fucking razzed."
the term "razzed" can energetic or excited and enthused.
Man, I am so razzed about this party tonight
SL: I am looking for a quiet night tonight my fellow peers
Rest of the Buda Squad: Too bad Bro, we finna get razzed up in here!!
a crazy female that will suck your brains out and give you headaches all the time and constantly be angry . A real psychotic bitch.
Damn i met this girl on tinder she was cool at
First but then just started getting crazy. Damn bro you got razzed
Some girls like to be Rizzed and some like to be Razzed depending on the person and pursuer, if not they bronken.
Damn ig Trisha dosnt want the Rizz or Razz so she's clearly Asexual.
1. Full of energy and enthusiasm.
2. The state of being seriously intoxicated, generally referring to alcohol.
Marlene was so razzed up yesterday at Beverly Hills!