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One who will spoil plots and endings of movies.

Mike: " He just told me what happens at the end of Harry Potter"

Mark: "Ah, so he pulled a Ronan"

by Blinky19_2004 August 5, 2011

24πŸ‘ 1388πŸ‘Ž


(noun) the act of hugging someone closely and creepily. its intent is to display affection but it really just turns out being uncomfortable for anyone watching (or in many cases, for the victim of the "ronan.")
a ronan is usually performed but behind, but many forms have derived from the original ronan (for example: the sidways ronan, the front ronan, the 360 ronan.)

(verb) "to ronan" is to perform the act of a ronan on someone, whether or not it is expected. one step below dry humping.

I feel so violated after the ronan that dude just gave me.
Dude: Can I ronan you?
Girl: Can I go throw up and die?

by i_like_turtles_muahahaha December 4, 2010

24πŸ‘ 1413πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Ronan

The act of receiving fellatio from a hungry Pug while wearing a ginger Afro and listening intently to the back catalogue of Gary Numan and The Tubeway Army.

The cunt was high as a kite, he was in full Dirty Ronan mode!

by @bubbleteeth June 13, 2019

9πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Ronan L Kerr

This Ronan Guy Classic Lonan wow what an absolute nigger fam hes the scottish black man but hes white. West brom fan that love touching little kids and getting drunk

Wow whos that autistic drunk guy?
Probably Ronan L Kerr.

by neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel November 27, 2022

Curse of Ronan Tynan

The Curse of Ronan Tynan refers to the coincidence that the the New York Yankees have not won the World Series since they began regularly hiring Tynan to perform God Bless America after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Legend has it that the Curse curses the team for bringing religion into baseball and exploiting the nation's tragedy to promote the baseball team. Apparently, the Yankees organization has been punished by supernatural forces that have prevented a World Series Championship to return to New York until the organization separates, again, religion from baseball, terrorist attacks from a sporting franchise. Since the Curse of the Bambino fell in 2004, this curse is the most widely accepted baseball curse outside the Curse of the Billy Goat which supposedly curses the Chicago Cubs.

a-rod sucks! he's only contributing to the Curse of Ronan Tynan.

by Viktor II October 9, 2007

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Pull a Ronan

The act of befriending another man's girlfriend with the intent of stealing her away.

"He keeps texting her and getting onto her on facebook all the time. I think he's trying to pull a Ronan."

by Steve Gerard April 25, 2014

3πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

Ronan Malster

A massive lover of pigeons , especially stepping on them with his bare feet. If you’re in town and hear a random animal noise, don’t worry that’s just ronan having one of his autistic meltdowns

β€œronan malster” oh yeah pigeon boy

by callumsdirtyunderwear August 6, 2019