A word used by people who go on ski trips and bring the smallest amount of weed possible to described getting high.
Said with a hand gesture alike the gesture for getting wasted
Guys you ready to get tinkered on this trip *makes hand gesture with left hand while pulling out the tiniest amount of weed *
When a drunken homeless man sticks a bunch of pixie dust up his ass and farts it into the eyes of another drunken homeless man.
Aw shit man!! I got fuckin pink eye from that epic Tinker Bell I got last night!!
When you shove pixie dust up your asshole and then squat and fart it into someone’s face, (preferably the eyeball) making the pixie dust tinkle all over.
Aw dude!! I got fuckin pink eye from that Tinker Bell you gave me!!!
When one takes a massive bowel movement, usually runny and stinky in nature. Similar to an upper decker.
Dude do not go in the bathroom, I just took an Ed Tinker III.
The act of protecting someone you’ve never met like you’ve known them for 20 years
‘Mate why are you Molly Tinkering her? You’ve only known her 5 minutes’
When your obsession with developing your system configs outweighs the repercussions of real life.
While the professor was explaining polymorphism, I was busy configuring my dwm config.h.
I guess I have tinkeritis.