White people who are less fortunate. They usually have eyes too close together, no chins, very thin/wire-like hair, and naturally bad hygiene. They are basically behind in evolution.
Every race has its range of good and bad subsections. White trash is worst.
She reeks of monster energy drink. Sheβs so White Trash.
White trash was originally used as a term of contempt for White people, particularly poor Confederates or Southerners, who were considered less racially pure than Yankees. This was due to the fact that poor White people most likely did and do jobs that non White people do, but was also due to the fact that many poor White people cannot trace their heritage back to a particular European country, and also tend to live in a way that is usually ascribed to Black people, or Indians. Any White culture that does not follow traditional Yankee ways is considered of less value, and calling someone White trash is not considered racist, because of the lie that people cannot be racist against other ethnic groups of their same race. The term White Trash is almost always used by Yankee people; Black people tend to prefer the term Cracker, Hispanic people use the word Wedo, and rich Southerners use the less offensive term Hillbilly.
White trash people are almost always poor, they drive older cars, live in trailers and low end apartments with members of their extended family, tend to listen to rap music, and in many cases, have children with other races who are poor as well.
Example One
Yankee: I hate Tennessee- everyone here is White trash- they all live in trailers and drive big trucks!
Example Two
Supervisor on a job site: So you pick up trash?
White worker: Yeah, man, I work for the temp service!
Supervisor on a job site: You must be White Trash!
Example Three
Daughter: Daddy, I met a great guy!
Father: What does he do for a living?
Daughter: He cuts lawns!
Father: Is he Mexican?
Daughter: No, he's from Georgia!
Father: Oh, so he's White trash!
Example Four
Liberal Politician: Only Black people go to prison!
White person: That's not true, I went to prison!
Liberal Politician: That's because you are White trash! Racist!
we are not that bad the only thing we do is a lil meth and leave u be and u will be fine jus don't talk to us allow us to live our lives and u can live urs we r jus ppl here ain't no reason to bother us and we r not in breed that is an ill begotten misconception of the upper class to attempt and repress us and I don't drink or smoke meth i do like nascar I love rap and country but non of that pussy shit the only thing that i really do is go to school and go home i do go to my girlfriends house I am physically active I wrestle and am on the track team I i wear tank tops or no shirt at all and I'm cool with everybody it dont make no never mind what ur race is and speak Spanish which is prolly more languages than you speak you fucking loser
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A word used to oppress working class Caucasians or Whites who are unusually tolerant towards minorities.
It is basically a derogoratory term misused up North, but appropiate for a lot of Whites in the South. Overall it is a horrible term because it says if you look poor or are tolerant towards minorities then you are therefore "Trash". It makes one wonder if America really has a racial hierarchy.
"He opened that door for that Black Man,Oh my God, He's White Trash".
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A piece of garbage, or "trash", that is white. Like a napkin or something, that isn't properly disposed of.
guy1: "Hey fuckin' kid pick up that piece of trash."
guy2: "Which one?"
guy1: "That white one."
guy2: "Oh, that white trash. Alright sir."
-guy1 throws out white trash-
guy1: "I love you."
-guy2 winks-
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A term coined for poor white people, who proudly embrace their social lower class and have standards as such.
"Hey man what is white trash?"
"Oh they're just poor white people who only like white women with blonde hair, blue eyes, and huge jugs. And they have dentures. Ask Whitey he knows all about it."
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brian is white trash he smells, his shirts are torn and stained, he never wears black because hes afraid he will be called a goth, hes racist, anti-semetic and loves George W. Bush, he is fat ugly and can never get a girlfriend but the beer at his house runs like water, its always in, fat bastard HE DENYS HES WHITE TRASH BUT IN FACT HES THE WHITEST PIECE OF TRASH EVER!
Brian is a fat piece of white trash.
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