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trendy mullet

Modern interpretation of mullet. While the hairstyle is similar it is popular among stylists or people in the fashion industry rather then redneck caucasian males, due to it's cleaner appearance.

by Anonymous November 9, 2003

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trendy laugh

A form of online laughter meant to replace such ridiculous methods such "LOL" and "haha" with a more authentic approach in which randomness is key.

The trendy laugh as seen in an instant messaging conversation:

CaptPat2287: her 13 year old sister is pregnant
aging 0range: ljknsdf;asdkmlf

by Chris Burrows March 5, 2008

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Trendy Trash

"Trendy Trash" is a clothing company founded by designer/ entrepreneur Philip Nicholas in LA, CA 2007.

A High-End clothing line, Created for the new money, care-free mentality, as they like to call Street-Luxury.

"Does it look like I give a shit, My Trendy Trash clothes, you couldnt afford this!"

by Allen Millender May 27, 2008

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Evolution of Trendies

Trendies are people who wear trendy clothe such as FCUK,Nike and tracksuits etc Their music tastes vary from hip-hop to rap and to rave music in which all are shite. These people are mainly wankers but u do find trendies that are dead on and alrite to hang about with but this is quite rare.

After a while trendies evolve into trendoids, these people are completely obsessed with trendy clothes and music. It is extremely hard to find a trendoid that is not a wanker.

Trendoids soon evolve into chavs, chavs are complete dick heads, they also were trendy clothes but are obsessed with burberry, they would kill their own mothers to get a Burberry cap or a burberry t-shirt or even a small patch of burberry, you can easily spot chavs driving round town in their supped up sports cars (usually Corsa's) listening to rave music. Chavs try to be hard but their strenght lies in numbers which is why u hardly see a chav walk about on his own, u can easily spot groups of chavs as they all huddle together and are wearing burberry, if u are ever out numbered by chavs u simply through some Burberry in the air and run as they all go ape shit and try to get the Burberry, they will usually fight to the death, chavs can easily sniff out a Burberry cap up to a mile away. Chavs are fucking wankers.

After a long time Chavs will evolve in to the worst type of them all, spides, Spides are complete wankers, they have out-grown their craving for burberry and moved on to "bling" Bling is any peice of jewelry that is very shiny and very fake looking. It is mostly those big bulky gay necklaces that look like they are made of plastic, the phrase they use for this is "bling Bling" a Spide can easily be spotted, they usually wear football tops (either rangers or celtic) or trendy clothes with either tracksuit bottoms or the tightest jeans u will every see, they are so tight u could probaly just about fit an Ethiopian into them, they will be wearings at least ยฃ200 worth of bling and are always carrying a buck fast bottle. Like chavs their strength lies in numbers and it is very unlikely for a spide that is on his own to pick a fight with you. The spide language consists of 2 words fuck and bastard the odd spide may combine the 2 words to make a sentence such as "u fucking bastard" Not many spides are smart enough to do this. Spides are the scum of the earth and are the biggest fucking wankers of the lot.

Trendies, trendoids, chavs and spides mortal enemies are hippies and rockers/metalheads in which i am, as the majority of the UK is a trendy, chav or spide we are outnumbered, it is our job to anialate trendies, trendoids, chavs and spides so the world will be a better place!

-Dude look at that spide!
-Yeh what a wanker, i remember last year when he was only a trendy but trendy evolution has taken place and now he's an even bigger wanker!

by Maizy May 18, 2005

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trendy asian

A trendy asian girl will have high fashion from Tokyo or Shanghai. They usually carry around a designer bag, and have a hi-tech cellphone that they constantly text on. They are very stylish and urbanized, and like taking pictures on their new digital cameras.

Trendy Asian: I love this new handbag imported from Tokyo and check out this hi-tech cellphone!

by Jersey Kid January 29, 2008

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Quite literally a merge between a trendy and a geek.

Rarer than the trendy, the trendy-geek is usually identifiable by having slightly geeky attire and usually glasses, yet hangs around primarily with trendies.

Most likely to be found sipping a Guinness and playing pool in a trendy club with pinpoint accuracy.

Unfortunately like the trendy, the whole geeky facade is pretty much that, a facade. You could almost say they are a poser geek. And they will have activities like a "Warcraft" account, counter strike, watching Red Dwarf, maybe even LARP, in a desire to look original. Yet they'll also like the typical trendy interests too, like "celebs", and football and One night stands etc...

Clothing is usually strictly trendy, usually the only thing that separates a trendy-geek is usually small things like less "cool" hair and glasses. Or most likely, an aversion to being as rowdy as their trendy peers.

They may also say they like metal in a craving to be "Individual", but by that they mean they've listened to poser-metal like Bullet For My Valentines most popular song.

Guy 1: WTF that trendy looks like a geek, and he was just talking about computers instead of weight training.

Trendy-Geek: Oh my god, I'm like so geeky!1 I have a WoW account and I watch geeky things like Dr. Who!!1 And I've played the most mainstream Final Fantasy all the way through!1
Trendy: Shall we go clubbin'?
Trendy-Geek: Yeah, "sick" mate! (I can go and attention seek by pretending to be really geeky, which is what I do every friggin' day!)

by PsychoFox November 22, 2007

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Trendy Fag

A description used to describe metro males in with the fashion and such. Easy to spot in sydney. Commonly seen with Rabens or slip ons in general, Rabans or imitations, scarfs, trilbies, and exceptionally tight jeans. Get their shit from general pants and similar stores. Could be seen as homosexual but are not.

Me: Fucking Trendy Fags everywhere dude.
Friend: Yeah.

by YaZaR January 6, 2010

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