Masturbation of the {Penis}
I had a Warwick Avenue this morning before work
Anal Penetration
Anal sex
Bumming 'The Tube'
I was taking her up the warwick avenue, so I wouldn't get her pregnant.
the act of beating dogs to death whilst walking down a road
person 1:oh man we pulled a warwick avenue yesterday it was so sick!
person 2:don't you mean you walked down warwick avenue?
person 1:no dude i mean we beat this bitch up!
person 2:dude that IS sick!
Masturbate whilst riding on a London tube train.
I was so desparate for a wank I had a crafty Warwick Avenue on the circle line the other day.
Sticking a mans balls up a womans vagina.
"yer man i totally took my spunk bells up her warwick avenue"
for a man to be done up the back passage by another man
"he met me at warwick avenue last night"
scott: geuss what i did this morning
chappers: what?
scott: i had a warwick avenue :)
chappers: oh me too!!