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yee YEE SKEE skee

Tribal yelling of the sacred brampton mans named jascarn, usually before a "heated fight"

"YEE YEE SKEE SKEE", yelled jascarn

by Brampton OFF February 12, 2022

Yee yee in your wee wee

The word "yee yee" definition is a word of happiness used by sports enthusiasts.

Hunter: let's head out, yee yee!!

Wee wee is "the thing that peepee comes out of"

So "yee yee in your wee wee" means you have an awesome weewee.

A hot guy enters the room: Yee yee in your wee wee!

by Ah jigs soy November 28, 2020

old yee yee ass hair cut

A character roast another person, due to the fact that character hates him by saying "man, fuck you I see you at work"

"Ah nigga don't hate me cause I'm beautiful nigga. Maybe if you got rid of that old yee yee ass hair cut, you'd get some bitches on yo dick. Oh, better yet, maybe Tanisha'll call your dog ass if she stops fuckin' with that brain surgeon or lawyer she fucking with. Niiggaaa"

by asianboi 14 January 2021

by asianasshaircut January 14, 2021

yee yee muthafuka

The phrase “yee yee muthafuka” is used as a term to mock people and be funny at the same time.

Billy: “Hey dude did u know the earth’s flat?”
Random dude: “Damn Yee Yee muthafuka

by milkmanurm0m69LEC May 16, 2022

Yee Yee Essay

A text that is at least 300 words that criticizes the behavior of someone else

I just got this long ass text from my ex telling me everything I did wrong, it's one hell of a Yee Yee Essay.

by Random Hater of Peach Pudding November 2, 2024


Stay sway my dude

Bro your so swag yee yee

by SWAG YEE YEE October 25, 2018

yee yee honkey

a country backwoods hick who loves their truck, four wheelers, chewin tobacco, & cowboy killers. they can be found fishing, hunting, mudding, or singing country music.

“see tyler over there? he just lit a cowboy killer. what a yee yee honkey”

by madison18 April 19, 2018