King of king's or what ever my mother made up
I like to get my dick sucked in the morning like y-lik
Have you ever met a guy that claims to be straight but acts super gay?? That's a straight-y!
"Omg, the straight-ys think they're everything."
"I'm not gay," they say!
Someone has a great take on Twitter: “|< y $, that’s such a great idea!”
Y-Zer is in the top 1% of creative musical minds. They have a pure heart and are much wiser than there age. They get through the day with humour and bursting into song every 3 minutes 12 seconds.
Y-Zer is a friend, Y-Zer is a lover - Be more like Y-Zer.
Oh my days! Did you hear that new ‘Y-Zer’ tune, how did she switch from an angelic voice into a grotty bassline?! I wanna be FRIENDS with ‘Y-Zer’. I’m in love.
‘Y-Zer’ said to me last weekend that she’s working on new music, I know when it drops it will be EPIC!
A Girl Who Has A Expensive Plastic Boob.
When Taylor Swift releases a new album or single, and happily married individuals begin to question their happiness in their relationship.
Oh shit, T Swift just put out a new song. The happy wives are going to start feeling Swift-y for awhile.
I'm here for you, don't worry about anything. (I) am (H)ere (F)or (Y)ou.