Source Code

matt dwyer

A kid that is gay likes men and has no friends

Oh my god look at Matt Dwyer over there he is such a fucking retard

by Matt is gay 42069 December 16, 2019

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Matt troiani

Pretty much a big vaping fag and that’s all

#quietlygay #vaping #juul #tripfromfacade #matt troiani

by Okcoolimnottakingmytimeforthis July 3, 2018

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Metal Matt

An awkwardly long hug. Usually performed by your awkward friend. The hug may contain rubbing, patting or a combination of the two. As you start to pull away, they'll just grab onto you more.

Dude, Casey's metal matts make me feel like cutting off my arms so I don't have to hug him anymore...

by Fatdrumhighmatt! September 11, 2011

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Doing a Matt

When you get an exceptionally good score on Geoguessr's Daily Challenge, and are humble about it.

"Hey, look over there... an extremely rare occurrence of someone Doing a Matt"

by 69_Dan_69 May 24, 2022

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Matt Rash

the severe and extensive facial bleeding experienced post making out with Matthew Ragh.

Guy 1 : Dude, whats up with your face?

Guy 2 : Oh I know. I made out with Matt Ragh last night.

Guy 1 : Got a case of the Matt Rash. Nice one bra.

by jarpag October 11, 2010

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Matt hood

A stupid fucking jewish nigger faggot who nobody likes and thinks hes better that everyone and is a fucking leach

Dude matt hoods a faggot

by Bigblackcock999 May 19, 2019

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PEBCAK's little brother, it stands for Problem Exists Because Matt. A popular term among office network engineers and IT support departments, it arose due to a need to discreetly describe issues that are purely caused by a guy called Matt.

Matt: My code doesn't work.
You: PEB-Matt?
Matt: Oh yes you're right, i'm a moron and forgot the semicolon.

by svenkle January 23, 2019

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