A name that strikes fear into the hearts of mortal men. Having a name even a little similar to this, automatically ensures that you will receive bitches, and dominate all men, that stand before you.
Human 1: Dude did you see that absolute Chad yesterday!?
Human 2: I did. Apparently, his name is "Donovan James Brad Oreias Anthony Muthuthanthrega Fernando The First: Listener of the Drums" or just "DJ Brad"...
Human 1: I'm horny already...
The all around G.O.A.T.
The Proud Leader of the famous Clash of Clans Clan named Lost Legion and the destroyed Cheek Nation
" Oh my gosh you are the G.O.A.T. " - Anthony De Benedetti
Respectable, strong individual, that spends most her time on urban dictionary.
Jamie Anthony was making others wonder what she has been doing. Little did they know she was looking them up on Urban Dictionary.
His balls are always flat but he is a lad. He is like Messi on drugs when he plays soccer. He has the worlds smallest dick. He is also in JSL.
Anthony hall is like Alezzio! #Hally
The two not to be fucked with. But will look out cause they cool like that. A chill as couple. You can't have either one of them, even tho you really want them, cause they are both sexy as hell, but there to infatuated with each other.
But they still fun as hell to ride with.
Trust, stay on there good side, you'll see.
Might get jealous tho, they're hated alot because how free they are...
Love, fly, and dream... they're in love with lost... don't worry, usually pretty easy to find.
Anthony and morgan, are simply the shit.
Hot as couple, sexy ass Anthony, with pretty as hell Morgan. Free coffee for everyone...
The two not to be fucked with, but still fucks with you cause they cool like that.
Can't have either one cause they infatuated with each other, even tho she hates Anthony cause he's an asshole. They will have your back tho, till you cross them, then they will snap your back.
Just stay on there good side, trust you will be good.
Anthony and Morgan are here, talk to her cause Anthony fucking nuts and won't have it.
A short bitch who is silent during school but is fucking autistic outside of school. In any hour besides school hours, Anthony Zhao is a bloody beast who is hungry for attention. Whatever you do, don't give him attention. He games 24/7.
**Loud Audible Scream**
"Bro, I think I hear Anthony Zhao."
"Oh shit!"
"Fuck this shit, I'm out"