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dong bong chong

A Chinese person who likes to have sex in public

Charlie is such a dong bong chong, he had sex with Ching in the school bus yesterday

by Anonymous Piglet 44569 October 2, 2017

National bong hit day

March 29, 2019 is national bong hit day. Hit all your bongs you use and have a great time!

Yo, it’s National bong hit day today, let’s go sesh!

by Mary Jane mika March 28, 2019

Bong Regurgitation

When you are smoking some herb out of a bong and you take a large hit and unexpectedly cough with your mouth still attached to the bong, causing water to rush up and into the bowl, effectively ruining all weed in the bowl and putting it out, while also making all your friends very pissed off at you.

Jon : "I'm passin':

Jon hands the bong to Gary, someone who's new to the smoke.

Gary hits the bong

Gary : Bong regurgitation

Jon, Lawrence, Alexander and James are now very pissed off. Gary is ashamed.

by grandest of autismo January 8, 2019

bong diggity


she totally got that bong diggity last night

by Vidaa locaaa gomez March 4, 2017

Big Bong

Basically a person who smokes bongs but much more powerful.

Bro Donald, why are you smoking big bongs get your head out of the clouds.

by Real YT Tartarus April 30, 2021

room bong

A room bong is when you and you’re roommate share a bomg in the room making ownership of the bong 50, 50.

Who’s bong is this?

It’s the room bong so idk.

by Lsusbdveisjdb January 12, 2018

Bong Hits For Jesus

Bong Hits for Jesus is an American rock band. Taking its eye-brow raising name from a landmark Supreme Court free speech case, Bong Hits For Jesus is all about peoples' First Amendment rights, artistic freedom and expression, legalization, and having an all around good time.

Did you see Bong Hits For Jesus open for Cypress Hill? They were smoking!

by Kung Ku Lou December 7, 2020