Source Code

Candy Crushing

Doing Molly, Acid, and Shrooms at the same time.

Dude I was Candy Crushing last night

by Tinkmaster July 21, 2015

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Partial Crush

When your mind is attracted to a person but you're body isn't.Or the other way around.

Mary:Do you have a crush on Jim?
Alice: Only a partial crush his body is wonderful but my dog could out smart him.

by Briel895 March 13, 2011

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fuck crush

A crush that is purely sexual in nature and disregards all emotions involved apart from lust.

Person 1: God Lucius Malfoy is sexy. I wanna fuck him.

Person 2: Ew - He's Lucius Malfoy!
Person 1: I don't care - he's my fuck crush!

by tirtytally May 22, 2011

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Indirect Crush

When you like someone, think they are cute, or are otherwise attracted to them, but have no desire to enter into any kind of relationship with them.
Often used for noncommittal cuddles, makeouts, ect.

Girl 1: I have an indirect crush on Darren.

Girl 2: Yeah, he's really fun, but not for you.

by Jennarae12345 October 1, 2008

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crush city

1. (n.) anything that is truly extraordinary in a HUGE or IMPRESSIVE way.

2. (proper n.) a pseudonym used in place of a given establishment's actual name. Said establishment must display qualities that are large, expensive, and fun.

1. Your new gold laced, diamond encrusted black hoodie is crush city.

2. (while entering the Belagio) Whoa, this place is crush city! OR Welcome to Crush City, gentlemen.

by ayemcee October 30, 2007

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crushing cans

Titty fucking.

Ron: I just titty fucked Becky.
Ben: Oh, you were crushing cans

by verhana September 1, 2017

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mom crush

The vaguely sexual attraction that middle-age women develop for the polite and well-groomed friends of their teenage sons.

Wally thought that Mrs. Olsen was just being friendly to the boys in the basement. but the glint in her eye and her moistened lips betrayed an obvious mom crush.

by Roland Van Owen May 9, 2007

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