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Year 7 disease

A disease year 7’s have that makes them act like muppets.

See that year 7 running over there, she’s got year 7 disease!

by suckyamumsadie February 17, 2019

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Steve Harvey disease

The temporary inability to read. First coined by Samuel L. Jackson on an episode of Watch What Happens Live when Samuel razzed Andy Cohen after he flubbed reading a cue card.

"Drinking game alert: My guests won't know it but anytime anyone says this word if you're 21 or over drink, then eat all the mother fucking snakes on your mother fucking plate."
"Somebody's got Steve Harvey disease!"

by Mary92669 January 8, 2016

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Wet butt disease

What you get when you try to sit on a toilet with its seat raised, and so you end up falling into the bowl and getting your butt wet with dirty toilet water.

Damn it! You forgot to lower the toilet seat when you were finished! Now I've caught the wet butt disease!

by Vinderex September 7, 2021

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Gammy Eye Disease

Covering up that you're playing call of duty by saying you have 'gammy eye disease'

bobby isnt here because he said he has gammy eye disease

by jamesbond2007 February 7, 2018

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Spastic Homie Disease

When a homie jumps about with odd movements, habitual ticks, and stares into space or at your breasts all while adjusting his pants. Pretends to be busy jumping about but tends to get nothing done.


Can be entertaining to watch.
Easy to poke fun at.
Never needs to diet.

Can be annoying.
May have a curved spine.
May be easily over-heated.
Has a hard time eating.
Makes the female do all the work during sex. (If female, which is very rare, she is great in bed.)

Chaquim: Yo bro, what is yo homie on, dude? Man he is like a tick on a dick.

Jesus: Yo man, that's not funny. He ain't on no 'ting bro, he has 'Spastic Homie Disease'!

by Big Dick Mel July 9, 2011

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Christian Bale Disease

When an actor forgets how they actually speak and lose all sense of their original accent

"Did you see that interview with Charlie Hunnam? His accent's really weird!"

"Oh yeah, he must be suffering from Christian Bale Disease"

by ActorsDiseases May 27, 2017

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white skin disease

A syndrome characterized primarily by a lack of melanin in the epidermis, symptoms may include a deficiencies in athleticism, particularly concerning basketball.

Bill Gates suffers from white skin disease.

by jesse wboothe January 13, 2006

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