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Hairy feet

To have luck or good fortune.

He won the lottery, he must have hairy feet.

by Lost in time June 8, 2023

kicking your feet

when you like someone or like hanging out with someone so you kick your feet. or when you’re excited/happy you’re kicking your feet.

friend: youre literally kicking your feet rn stop smiling

by urban dictionary is my mom November 23, 2023

Tiny Feet Pedophile

A slang term for someone who usually spends money on ridiculous items because they are compensating for something.

This guys house is huge, he must be a tiny feet pedophile.

by HerpesWarrior May 27, 2023

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george feet

Having feet that smell so bad, that even wearing shoes, a car you rode in with Dave still smells like your feet after you got out 2 hours later.

Man you have some wicked George Feet.

by AmberorAngie May 8, 2022

Jerusalem Feet

A nickname for people who have dirty soles and heels, resembling those of people who lived in biblical times. Typically the result of walking in sandals all day and not washing off the excess filth afterwards.

Guy: Goddamn, my wife climbed into bed last night with dirt ass heels and toes looking like she had Jerusalem Feet.
Friend: Jerusalem Feet?
Guy: YEAH!, bitch looked like she'd been walking with Jesus and the apostles all day.

by Rev. Johnny Blumpkin February 12, 2025

Feet Dust

The Dust That Falls From My Black Grandmothers foot when she wrinkles her toes

Jamal: Hey Grandma
Gma: Can you sweep up my feet dust for me?

by TheOneDudeWho'sTypingRightNow August 26, 2022

hot feet

The opposite of "cold feet" i.e. someone who is tryna get wed.

Have you seen Elise lately? She is hunting for a husband, she's got hot feet.

by Passwordisincorrect November 10, 2019