Source Code

Team Riley

When one is sick and tired of the drama involving Team Jacob and/or Team Edward, and just decides to join Team Riley instead, in search of the next hottest guy in the Twilight series.

Ashley: i'm on team edward.
Brittany: wow, im on team jacob, he's so much hotter.
Ashley: no way guuurl!

*start fighting*
Becca: this is why i'm on team riley, geez

by snare_chickkk_yeah July 29, 2010

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Bucket Team

A person or team getting buckets consistently shooting hoops or making baskets in a basketball game

Getting bucket it to shoot hoops or make baskets in basketball is the bucket team

by COACHSOSWARRIOR March 3, 2016

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saucin team

A Group of jiggy individuals who party on the weekends take other individuals girlfriends and love to spend money, group originated from Charleston SC but are steadily moving out.

Dang them boys are jiggy, they must be in saucin team!

by Saucin Team June 14, 2017

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Team Smotherage

phenomena in TV news when a station has multiple reporters all assigned to the same story and promotes it as "team coverage" when the story really isn't significant enough to merit that much coverage.

"...we have live team coverage of Paris Hilton's wild night on the town..." (team smotherage)

"Gas prices continue to climb...so how are drivers coping? We have live team coverage...reporter Joe Fancy is at a Chevron station, Linda Pretty is right across the street from Joe at an Exxon station with motorists there, and Amanda Perky is across town at another service station. We'll start with Joe..." (team smotherage)

Tease: "Rain in the forecast...we'll have live team coverage of this approaching summer storm."

by TallBoyLA August 17, 2006

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team swole

Team Swole is a group of guys that are beyond the limits of awesome. You ain't mess with team swole. Better watch your back, kid, cuz team swole's on your ass.

Jonny: Hey man have you heard of team swole?

Jj: Yeah man what about them?
Jonny: Never mind we can't talk here, they're watching.

by J-Steezy June 3, 2014

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team bunny

A group of three hot bitches with style

That sexy hoe right ova there is DEFINITELY in team bunny...

"There goes slut bun, south bun, and bun bun......hottiesss"

by team bunny May 11, 2006

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tag team

when your having a thumb war and you sneak attack the opponent by using your pointer finger to capture their thumb

Trixie "tag teamed" Chris and won the thumb war

by zoaster June 21, 2005

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