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Give me some helmet

Euphemism for oral sex used by decent men. It is wrong to say "give me head" since the penis already has a head, and what a head needs is a helmet.

George: "Would you like to give me some helmet, right after I pull it out from your vagina and/or rectum and just before I ejaculate?"

Ashley: "Yeah, baby, make me gag!!"

by Roadhorse July 31, 2008

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give you the middle finger

To raise the index finger to in order to show that you are angry, pissed, annoyed or otherwise cross with someone. It is also called "flipping someone off".

Person 1: The psychiatrist told me that I had Oppositional Defiance Disorder because I did not want to take the over-prescribed drug for being "over-active".

Person 2: Dude, are you going to let that guy give you the middle finger?! (NOTE: figurative use)

by Moises (Moses) January 14, 2012

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give me some chicken

what black guys say when they want a girl to shake and or rub their bum on them.

black guy: "hey shorty, give me some chicken!"

girl: shakes her bum and then rubs it on black guy

black guy: "that's what i am talkin' about!"

by ceciliashroter September 18, 2007

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I don't give a nipple

A term used for when you don't care about something, but want to be a little more creative when saying it

Guy 1: Hey dude i just ate the most delicious thing the other day.

Guy 2: I don't give a nipple

by nippleface33 April 2, 2013

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give a flying dog fuck

It is to emphasize the word "fuck." It comes from the shorter version of "give a fuck" and then "give a flying fuck." It means "I don't care" but with emphasis. So it is an emphatic "I don't care!" Or also, emphatic "I could care less."

"I don't give a flying dog fuck if you want to go to the beach, we are NOT going!"

"I don't give a flying dog fuck if you like driving, I am doing the driving!"

by carecare7 March 25, 2014

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Lets give him a Hitler!

To wipe shit under an unsuspecting victims nose in the shape of Adolf Hitlers famous mustache. This is a great way to prank that guy who always falls a sleep too soon at a party. This will leave a stinky suprise for him when he wakes up!

Sam: Hey Nate, check it out, Kyle fell asleep already!
Nate: Oh my god dude lets fuck with him!
Sam: Yeah! What should we do?
Nate: I know dude! Lets give him a Hitler!

by T dizzle916 April 16, 2008

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You give me the feels.

You give me the feeling of love. I love you.

When I touch your hand you give me the feels.

by atts February 22, 2015

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