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hard to quit

Describes something or someone you just can't let go, even if you want to (like cigarettes).

I tried breaking up with Meghan, but damn, she hard to quit.

I was going to cancel my subscription, but Netflix... ahhh... hard to quit.

by Who'd Say September 14, 2017

Hard Butter

To insult or talk shit about your grandmother

Marco Pierre: "My grandmother is a faggot"
Jamie Oliver: "That's some hard butter"

by Gordon Ramboy January 28, 2019


Compiling mass amounts of information, skill or abilities.

Always riding, like I'm always hard-driving.

by J. A. T. C. O. November 24, 2019

Hard worker

In the uk, this mostly applies to Polish immigrants

The Polish immigrants work so hard in the uk. They're such hard workers

by Pickled banana July 4, 2020

Hard Worker

Something said to deflect from the obvious weight of a “large and in charge”female; when a girl is neither slim nor very attractive but always makes her presence known.

“Hard workers” might take “look I’m being healthy” pics at the gym from time to time, but they sure do like their post-workout Curry Chips.

See also: “bubbly.”

“I know Maeve from CrossFit is thin and drop dead gorgeous, but her friend Aoife is such a hard worker.”

“*Om nom* Jess is a beautiful and healthy hard worker you fat shaming faggot shitlord *nom nom*”

by hotsummerfun@fauxhegansun October 18, 2022

Hard Män

A Swedish man who is very hard. He got so hard from flying futoba, eating yapaleno, and drinking chilli sosu. He can't fly, but he is hard. He is incredibly sexy and has pheromones that send men and women from all over the planet to Sweden for a piece of his hardness.

Hard män eat japaelno, and drink chilli sosu.

by WilbertWonkerberry May 24, 2023

Pussy on hard

An aroused vagina; labia receives lots of blood circulation, thus causing the clitoris to erect and the clitoral hood to be pushed back. This may also feel more sensitive than normal due to increase in sensitivity from blood circulation.

*Talks about a horny lady*: Man I had her pussy on hard!

*Waking up hella horny* - Girl my pussy is on hard

by Myathickdizzle January 24, 2022