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Chew the bark off the Fat log

a male asking a female to nibble and suck on there penis.

chew the bark off the fat log

by l3ogroll October 17, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Irish Cream Log

The act of first taking a bowel movement (has to be one consistent turd) and than proceeding to urinate upon said bowel movement. After words the man must ejaculate upon the already urinated feces. The user than leaves it for the next victim.

Dude 1: I need to take a shit

Dude 2 (after leaving the stall, looking proud): good luck!

Dude 1: aww, dude! you left an Irish Cream Log!

by Inkk February 22, 2012

2๐Ÿ‘ 169๐Ÿ‘Ž

Penis licking monkey testical log rolling uncle

a man? with a penicl that can be used to write on paper or other white objects not black ones unless its a super duper gangster white penicl that write on black things like sreggin

i have a pencil man its so awsum i can write with it its like the shit homie

by b-rent December 20, 2004

16๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž

โˆš(tan(ฯ€ ร— Ans ร— sin(log(ln(cos()))))โˆše)

you for some random reason went onto a calculator and went thru the keyboard letters from left to right, up to down and got this... wow

person 1:"i am a freaking nerd, look if you put the if you put the keryboard into the calculator you get โˆš(tan(ฯ€ ร— Ans ร— sin(log(ln(cos()))))โˆše)".

person 2:"i commited rax evasion lol."

by December 15, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

I double dog triple frog quadruple hog quintuple log sextuple blog septuple clog octuple old grog nonuple cog decaple flog duodecaple fast jog tredecaple prologue dare you

the most intense dare ever to be wielded by anyone. cannot back out of it no matter what or chaotic things will happen.

DUDE! I double dog triple frog quadruple hog quintuple log sextuple blog septuple clog octuple old grog nonuple cog decaple flog duodecaple fast jog tredecaple prologue dare you to stick your dick in the blender.

by Keepo123 September 8, 2015

34๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Morning Logging

In the event of sleep, you tend to get a no reason boner, this special type of boner is called Morning Wood. Now, you are going to be waking up next to your partner, lover, fuck buddy, or whatever and use your morning wood to your advantage. Keep in mind, morning logging could go both ways, if you wake up and fuck the person next to you or they see your massive Willie is throbbing and they fuck you. About 70% of rape is done during morning logging.

Person1: Yo, Morning Logging was amazing last night
Person2: what are you, fucking stupid?

by My grandma just ate some prune June 25, 2019

soaking the log

When a man sticks his penis in a females vagina and doesn't move. Thus, soaking the log.

Woman and man having sex
Man inserts penis
Leaves it in
Woman: "what are you doing?"
Man: "Soaking the log"

by logsoaker June 28, 2014