The act of doing anything online, be it giving money, buying a certain thing you don't actually need, sending in pictures of yourself doing something stupid, JUST to be assigned a JPEG badge that gets assigned to your account that serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever other than unimpressive bragging-rights
Badge Mentality today has gone crazy, did you know if you don't $100 to SocialMediaCompanyX they give you a "I'm a nice person" badge?
Not together enough to care about the finer things of life because you're too preoccupied with keeping yourself calm
Hey Susan, I wish I could make my mental ends meet so I could care about matching my clothes or keeping my room clean. All my energy is spent keeping myself calm and not depressed,
a line from “wouldn’t leave” by ye.
Oh, don't bring that up, that's gon' get me sentimental
You know I'm sensitive, I got a gentle mental
You love being social and all together however if you put a bucket out there with a bunch of us or crabs you see one crab try to climb out and escape that bucket. The next Crab sees this and maneuvers to climb over all others and grab that other “Mitch” Crab and pull his Crab ass back down. Essentially at its core, the meaning of someone not supportive of someone you know who is going above and beyond to push forward, or surpassing their status .
The Crab Mentality in this area is too much. It’s Toxic, Abrasive without care or consideration for the better of us as a whole community.
Could be another term for anxiety. Comes in large doses. Usually fills your gut when fear-filled, or you're thinking too much.
His gut filled with Mental Pudding.
When you think of something bad that you want to happen to somebody but, happens to someone you know.
I imaged that this guy would break his leg, it happen but my sister broke her leg a week later. That was totally a mental boomarang!