Source Code

Same-Name Relationship

When two people of the opposite sex have the same name, or different versions of the same name, date.

Contrary to popular beliefe, people in a "Same-Name Relationship" usually are not desparate, they just really like the other person, regardless of their name.

People in a "Same-Name Relationship" are honest, loving, optimistic, (sometimes too much so,) and look for more in a person than looks or social-status.

Aubrey and her boyfriend Aubrey are so cute together!

Yeah, but her name is so unique, I never thought she'd ever be in a Same-Name Relationship!

Other examples include: Daniel & Danielle, Alex and Alex, Jessie and Jesse, Andrienne and Adrian, Sam and Sam, etc.

by whatsthename July 24, 2011

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Christian in name only

When you push pro-Christian values, but ignore everything Jesus said about helping your sister or brother and loving everyone unconditionally.

Susan: Bill is such a strong Christian.

John: Hardly. Bill is a card carrying member of the KKK. He's more of a Christian in name only sort of guy.

by The Fratriarch October 3, 2021

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your first name

Wow, funny, never heard that one before....
except that it's underlined right above the search box.

And for the record, Urban Dictionary is officially declaring you DTM- aka Dead To Me. Which means you are kicked out of any upcoming parties and excluded from any inside jokes henceforth.

Nice going, smart ass.

Person- Hey, I know something totally hilarious that no one would have ever thought of before! I should totally make an ass of myself and just use the literal form of the suggestion above the search box.

*types in "your first name"*

Urban Dictionary- gtfo

by VA to IL June 22, 2011

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White name

Typically used by people of colour who have ethnic names that are often difficult to pronounce in the western world.

She couldn’t say my name after four goes so I told her to use my white name.

by Tenzin38 September 16, 2018

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Obama’s last name


It’s self explanatory! Obama’s last name is Obama!

by Kidswillbekids October 3, 2019

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UD name whore

An individual who only submits endless inside jokes about friends names to Urban dictionary

UB name whore individual: trixy is a blah blah blah with blah blah blah hair and...

The Urban dictionary community: OMG will u STFU and stop being a UD name whore?!

by Sagsagman1245780 December 15, 2014

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[any male name]


"Ow, it hit me right in the any male name*!"

(*Peter, Jimmy, Jonathan, Robert, Thomas, Larry, Fritz, Paul, Langston, Archibald, Louis, etc...)

by Duke of the Bump June 27, 2014

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