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crazy ass bitch

A female who is crazy and bitchy at the same time.

I arrived home late at night and my wife began to throw objects at me and scream in my face, So I then called her a Crazy Ass Bitch and left.

by 386obc May 21, 2008

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bat-shit crazy

adj. (slang): A combined state of mental agitation and physical volatility. It's use may provide warning that the individual it describes has lost all self-control and cannot be reasoned with. Can refer to either a chronic or temporary condition.

I wouldn't go in there if I were you, Dolores is bat-shit crazy .

by maximo hudson January 20, 2009

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crazy as a shithouse rat

Deranged, demented behavior that others deem similar to that of a rodent that dwells in a wood shithouse.

He's crazy as a shithouse rat! If his toes slip off that steering wheel that car's gonna roll.

by Rev Tolby October 17, 2007

168๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

crazy dutch bastard

What Dr.Evil calls goldmember when he asks if he can paint Austins fathers "Yoohoo" gold

Q:Hey,Dr.Evil,can I paint his Yoohoo gold?its kinda my thing
A:how bout no,ya crazy dutch bastard!

by david May 4, 2003

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Crazy Dick Syndrome

1) When one's penis cause's a girl to become crazy with passionate dick lusting rage.

2) When one's girl becomes crazy after interaction with the d.

Why is your girl all crazy like that?

She's got the crazy dick syndrome.

Damn, your dick makes all the ladies crazy. Should stop sticking it in some many bitches.

by DMaster July 18, 2014

Shabbat shit crazy

A person who is both Jewish and batshit crazy. May also apply to events and objects.

Jimmy is totally Shabbat shit crazy.

by Kramaus July 26, 2019

Crazy Boozy Picnic

post exams, this event occurs when 5 great friends take the ordinary picnic going to a new level. Twista game gets involved, the beach is also present, under the influence of paralyzing amounts of alcohol, numerous horrendously degrading games are played to let off all the exam stress. The picnic culminates in the core five inviting as many randomers to join as possible, and trying to kiss a lifeguard / have a ride on the safety surfboard they use. Many do not survive the entire boozy picnic, apart from the core 5.

Kim: I say BOOZY, you say PICNIC... BOOZY
George: PICNIC
Crowd: PICNIC !!!

Alice + Claire: Sayyyy, what about a lil ride on that safety surfboard
Lifeguard: No, no, thats quite impossible
Elly: But its our Crazy Boozy Picnic!
Lifeguard: WOW, well if thats the case then HELL YEAHHH!

by vk-wtf-r-u-wkd-ing May 22, 2009