Any type of address that one is trolling from.
Troll: Trolling
Guy1 to Guy2: Get me his Trollback Number, I'm going to troll him back.
When you go to the movies with your ex-partner and touch their wee wee
" What did you do with claire last night at the movies?"
"I did the number six"
Used by Roblox players to bypass the Roblox chat filters (they don't let you chat numbers, in case someone tells their age).
I am rank music52 in Phantom Forces!
music(insert any number here)
On November 22nd its the give a boy your number day! He can always hit you up if you want :)
her : Hey here my number!
him : Why?
her : Its November 22nd! Its give a boy your number day!
In my early childhood, one of my neighbors adopted a kitten out of four and later i learned that kitten clawed one of the said neighbor's eyes out. and it give me a bed vibe
this is why i hate the number 4 In my early childhood, one of my neighbors adopted a kitten out of four and later i learned that kitten clawed one of the said neighbor's eyes out. and it give me a bed vibe
when you dont have a target on you but everyone knows to stay clear of you
you know darell, they put a number on his back although he weak he still beat a guy with 250 bodies to his name.