When two individuals simp for eachother.
Person A: You simp for me.
Person B: Wdym you simp for me!
Person A: We simp for eachother.
Person C: I think that's called a relationship.
Being able to be around a person long enough to learn things about them and fall in love with them all over again every time u see them it’s not to annoy sumone or putting up with sumones bull shit it’s ab loving and caring enough for sumone to stay with them and if u can be in a relationship long enough than u know how to love sumone for who they are and everything ab them a relationship is one of the best things u can have in life so don’t be scared to try and have one
I love our relationship
A relationship can be with you, family members and friends. But for this it’s going to be relationship wise.
A relationship is when you get with someone and show love and affection towards them. Some relationships move fast and have a bright burning fire that gets put out too quickly.
A slow moving relationship will slowly move into something big.
A manipulative relationship is when one or both of the individuals do things to make the other person do something. The ways people manipulate is by guilt, self injury and ect. People sometimes do this for sex and things. Most people that are new to relationships use guilt without knowing and ruin their relationship the other person.
Now toxic relationships. This is a relationship where one of two of the individuals don’t trust each other with other people. They’re constantly nagging to check the other persons phone or follow their s/o. They get mad at the other person for being with a guy that’s their friend. Sometimes it can get bad and the guy or girl will distance themselves from friends because their so blinded by love
If you’re in a relationship rn, please be wise with your decisions and know when to agree and disagree. Don’t let someone control you and tell you what to do. Don’t let someone use guilt to manipulate you. If you’re in a relationship right now, cherish your moment with that person and make memories and not enemies.
Person 1: Have you seen Jennifer?
Person 2: No, why?
Person 1: Because I saw her crying the other day as Jordan dragged her to his car and drove off.
Person 2: I think she might be in a toxic relationship
A rank given to not many people. It is the hardest rank a gamer could get. But here is a guide to get into one:
1. Have money
2.Have muscles
3.Have an Only-Fans account
4.Be very horny
5.ignore rule number 7
6.Watch an only-Fans account
7.You will probably get in a relationship now
When your in one. Make sure you have a bed for 2.
Achievement unlocked : Relationship +500 gamer points,
A form of self strangulation that does not kill you upon immediate contact
If your parents didn’t ruin you— Thai relationship certainly will!